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Install in an existing project

Inside the Project root (The first build.gradle you see), open the build.gradle file:

Which build.gradle file to select

In that file, find the allprojects block:

* Top-level build file for ftc_app project.
* It is extraordinarily rare that you will ever need to edit this file.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''

// This is now required because aapt2 has to be downloaded from the
// google() repository beginning with version 3.2 of the Android Gradle Plugin
allprojects {
repositories {

and modify it to:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }

Afterwards, open the build.gradle file inside of TeamCode folder:

Which build.gradle file to select

and find the lines:

// build.gradle in TeamCode
// Most of the definitions for building your module reside in a common, shared
// file 'build.common.gradle'. Being factored in this way makes it easier to
// integrate updates to the FTC into your code. If you really need to customize
// the build definitions, you can place those customizations in this file, but
// please think carefully as to whether such customizations are really necessary
// before doing so.

// Custom definitions may go here

// Include common definitions from above.
apply from: '../build.common.gradle'

repositories {
maven { url = "" }

dependencies {
implementation project(':FtcRobotController')
annotationProcessor files('lib/OpModeAnnotationProcessor.jar')

and update it to:

dependencies {
implementation project(':FtcRobotController')
annotationProcessor files('lib/OpModeAnnotationProcessor.jar')

implementation 'com.github.ftc17191:ftclayer:+'

Finally, perform a gradle sync by pressing the elephant icon in the top right of the screen.

Elephant icon location